Life Vibrance
Personal Trainer - Nutritional Consultant
Valley Ranch Area
Irving, TX 75063

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Cell: 214-886-1257

phone consults available
About Us

Kevin specializes in helping people with transforming stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and disease labels of all types including auto-immune disorders, as well as weight gain, hormonal imbalances and fatigue. He does so through the use of comprehensive naturopathic and homeopathic protocols, combined with acupressure stress release to retrain the brain.

Kevin is a Board Certified Naturopath, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutritional Consultant, Stiudied Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences and trained in a variety of Natural Health Remedies. He is affiliated with the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board and has been published in Fitness and Health magazines over the past 10 years. He lives Valley Ranch / Coppell Area in Irving, TX.