Life Vibrance
Personal Trainer - Nutritional Consultant
Valley Ranch Area
Irving, TX 75063

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Cell: 214-886-1257

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Acupressure Stress Release PDF Print E-mail

What is an Acupressure Stress Release session?

It is a gentle form of holding energy points along the skull that allows for releasing negative mental patterns and thoughts that are creating an imbalance.

It is all about learning to receive what life has to offer and the maximum expansion and healing possible for your body and mind.

It is all about receiving, releasing, and relaxing.

It is effective support for helping transform conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, depression, ADD, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, racing mind, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

It offers amazing relaxation for busy people on the go.

It is an oasis in one hour.

We also facilitate classes: In one day, you can learn this easy hands-on-the-head system that can provide you with an alternative to traditional massage. Kevin is a certified facilitator.

Free 15 minute consult.

First Introductory Session
for $39.

Schedule a session.